Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fall on the course

I've been out on the course for the last three days. It's a little wet, but, wow, is it in good shape! The ball seems to go less far also. I've gone up a club with some good results. I complained the other day about being kept at a 6 handicap...then went out and shot a 35! So today, I went out confident about my 6 handicap and shot a 43! Who invented this game???!! The other day I pulled out my big headed driver and put the ball 4 feet from the pin on #7. Today I tried the same and was four shots just getting onto the green. Yikes! Anyway, I had the pleasure of watching putts go in from everywhere off the club of Les Demmons who shot a 34 (he's a 7 handicap!). Really...what a putter...just amazing!
I guess the point is that there is still some good weather left to take advantage of our beautiful course. I hope to see some of you out there before it closes for the winter.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Glow Ball cont.

Chris is in a deep depression about the continued cancellation of the Glow Ball Tourney. Speak below if you have any good suggestions for him. It looks as though this Thursday may be decent weather...however, I know that I cannot be there. I'll save my ball for next year.