Sunday, May 19, 2013


OK...Let's get something straight.....We have a very, very good golfer on the course in the person of Mike Collins.  I think there should be some new ruling...perhaps having him play blindfolded!  Being on his team on a Thursday night assures one of at least getting his money back...!  If the guy wasn't such a likeable, affable, decent guy, I'd think about having my friends from the city meet him in the parking lot!  Seriously folks....what are we going to do??? are terrific, and a great addition to our club!  May you be around forever!
Get your names up on the list for the President's Cup starting June 2nd.  That should be a good one.  All the higher handicapped golfers know that it much easier when the other guy has to give you a stroke on most holes.  Also, although it may say that matches have to be played on certain days, in actuality, it's much more loosely scheduled....get your name on the list...find out later.  Let's have a full bracket for this one. 
See you all Thursday if it don't rain!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Just a quickie...although those who read this blog are probably not the ones who need to be told...but this weekend is the Robert Heald Memorial Tournament....a good one for that we all should attend because it is in remembrance of Bob Heald who gave us the course and left us money to support it.  Please let us all show up.  Someone asked me the other day who the club officers are.  He had never seen a few of them on the course....neither have let's all show up.
Thursdays are going well....look forward to seeing more tomorrow (Thursday at 6:00).   Let's set an example and attend the events.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Well...The 2013 Thursday evening Twilight League got off to a great start tonight...but maybe that depends on what team you were playing for!!  We waited for a brief shower to pass and then got started with two teams of four players each.  They seemed to be equally balanced at the start, but the final score was 80 to 57!!  The winning team saw one player shoot par (29), another with a 9 handicap shoot a 32!  It was probably that glass of wine with dinner.  Anyway, a great time was had by all and we look forward to a great season.
I got word tonight that the Robert Heald Memorial will be on Sunday the 19th, so save the date...nine holes followed by  a board meeting...who can beat that?
The course is in GREAT shape!!