Saturday, October 11, 2014

There was a certain sadness I felt the other day in seeing that twilight league has pulled to a close this season.  It was a good year for Thursday nights...and I looked forward to it every week.  I'd like to report, on the upside, that the course is in great shape...lush late season grass and perfect greens....and I really had the whole courser to was heaven on earth.  Let's not let this place go without your notice!  Come on out and get the last joy of the season...before the snow comes!

Sunday, June 1, 2014


This weekend was perfect for golf and just great for the UCC!  This afternoon was the Bob Heald Memorial Tournament with a good turnout of sun-drenched golfers.  It was as close as it could be with the winning team of Hank R., Butch W., Chris B., and Bob R. shooting a 2 over 31.  The other two teams tied for a close second at 3 over.  A great day that was followed by a cookout in front of the clubhouse.  Just a great picture...for which I did not have my camera!
BUT...I did have my camera for the clinic on Saturday.  It was well attended and all were given personal attention by pro, Scott Hoisington, before partaking in a morning ending couple of holes with Scott.  It was a terrific help to many and brought new faces to the club...and I hope, some new memberships.  It was a welcomed sight to see so many women showing up to get a start at this crazy sport.  Below are some of the mornings shots...a great time had by all.
Make sure to sign up for the President's Cup in the clubhouse!  It would be great to have a full bracket.It begins in earnest next Saturday (or whenever your match can be scheduled).

Monday, May 26, 2014


Thursday is going to be great weather so there is NO excuse for not coming to Twilight League!  See you there!  Also, Saturday morning is the end of my slice...that is, I have a lesson lined up at the clinic.  There is still room, I think!  Bring friends to play in the afternoon for free!
Also...Come to the Bob Heald Memorial on Sunday at  2:30 P.M.  It's a scramble format and all should have a great time.  Come honor the guy who made this all possible.  If you are new to the club, this is a must.  Let's break records!

Monday, May 19, 2014


At the recent Board meeting, Chris Blum was elected to replace Les Demmons as the Tournament Director for 2014.  Chris has new ideas and some statistics on the previous years participation, so we should know soon what this years schedule looks like.  I hope that this year will break all records in participation.  Also, Thursday night Twilight League has begun in earnest!  If you are new to the club, come on down and have a great time on Thursdays, 6:00 P.M..  You don't have to be a great golfer!! and old, remember to sign in before playing so that we can keep a record of course usage.
See you on the course.
Bogey Bob

Monday, May 5, 2014


I went out this morning to discover how much I had deteriorated over the winter.  The course is open and expectantly wet.  It will take a few days of sun to slow down the flow from the hill behind us, but Ed is there taking his usual good care of no worry.   Two weekends away (the 17th) is the open-house and golf clinic.  I am going to attend with the hope that he can correct my slice in 15 minutes!  I hope to see you all there....with friends.  Free golf all afternoon!
Thursday marks the first Twi-light league gathering.   Bring your $1.50 and a good sense of humor!  It is forecasted to be good weather...let's get this year off on the right foot!
I can't for the world figure out where I got a 6 handicap....I shot a 40 today...with a few adjusted ball positions along the way.
Hank Read was up to the course yesterday during the hail and lightning and witnessed the demo of a large tree near the 4th green.  I am attaching his description:

  I have not given my golf game much attention yet this year, and I am aware that I better give it a little before I pay out the ransom that the Thursday Twilight League will extort this week and every week thereafter to October.  So, after today’s storms rolled through and the sun came out this afternoon I drove on up to UCC.

  On the way, it got darker and started to spit rain again, but it’s a quick drive so I continued on.  In the parking lot, I opened the trunk to gear up, but I heard something higher up Barrett Hill.  It sounded like wind or really heavy rain, a strong whooshing. And it was clearly getting closer, so I closed the trunk and continued to watch.  When I actually saw it approaching, I got back in the car to wait it out.  It was hail, and I was amused to see the pellets bigger than BBs bouncing around on my hood and on the ground.  Loud!  I reached up to open the screen between me and the moon roof so that I could see them up there as well, and that’s just when there was a spectacular flash and crash, simultaneous lightning and thunder.  I was definitely glad to be in the car.

   It eventually cleared enough for me to do what I came for, and I hit five balls off the first tee that dispersed over a wide area, leaving me in despair over my chances against the extortionists.  On my way to hit them again, I noticed a tree over by the 4th green appeared to be striped white.  A closer look revealed that the bark had been blown off an ash tree from tip to roots, and pieces were scattered from the 4th green to the 5th tee, some of the larger pieces impaled in the ground.  Very impressive.  About the same time, the Union Rescue sirens started and the trucks went out, soon followed by more from up Rte 17.  When I left, Rte 131 was closed off, so I guess there was another strike further down.

  Go figure – the dreaded pine tree on the 3rd remains intact.

See you all Thursday.!