Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Well...Bob and Chris met and traded holes until one last put on the last hole made the difference. Too close! Bob won and will face John Jacques who handed Les a bit of a shellacking.
We had a great conversation with the ladies who showed up for Ladies Day. They still want the morning to be theirs...and they are quite adamant about that! So Verlie is going to get the email addresses and try to get the numbers up. We know there are several of you who are interested but don't know the particulars. There have been ladies playing out there on the "good" Wednesdays from 9:30-11:30. Join 'em! (If you're a lady!)
I'd love to have some communication right here on the talk if you will...and I'll try to talk back...or get others to discuss things
See you all Thursday evening!

1 comment:

  1. The ladies day does not affect me because I rarely play at that time, but we should be aware that closing the course for any particular group could be a problem. We even decided not to close the course for tournaments (though tournament play takes precedence). We declined a similar request from another group. Our logic is that we want to make the place as inviting as possible.
    Now, if having a ladies-only time accomplishes this by bringing in more ladies - great! But if it is only a few long-time members then it is an exclusionary policy that I cannot support.
